The International Workshop on
Satisfiability Modulo Theories
SMT Workshop Bylaws
- Section A: Composition and Election of the SC
- Section B: Goals and Functions
- Section C: Modification of the Bylaws
Section A: Composition and Election of the Steering Committee
The SMT workshop has a Steering Committee of 4 elected members and 2 ex-officio members.
The first ex-officio member is one of the current organizers of the workshop, selected by the organizers themselves. His/her appointment in the SC coincides with his/her appointment as an organizer. The second ex-officio member is one of the current organizers of the SMT competition (hereafter, SMT-COMP), selected by the organizers themselves. His/her appointment in the SC coincides with his/her appointment as an organizer.
The elected members of the SC are appointed for 2 years. During the first election, 4 members are elected at once. The first two candidates with the most votes are appointed for 2 years, the second two for 1 year. After that, elections are held every year to replace the 2 elected members at the end of their tenure.
Elected members cannot be appointed for more than 2 times in a row. This means that further elected appointments are possible but only after a break of at least 1 year.
The positions of elected and ex-officio member are not incompatible. It is possible for a person to be an elected and an ex-officio member at the same time. It is also possible for an ex-officio member to later become an elected member and vice versa.
Eligible voters for the elected members consist of past and current SC members as well as people that have registered for or authored a paper at SMT in the previous 3 years. The SC is in charge of maintaining an updated emailing list of eligible voters.
The first election is run by 2 trusted members of the research community who are not candidates. After that, each election is run by the 2 elected members of the SC who are not being replaced.
Nominations for SC positions, to be received by the SC, may be made by any eligible voter by email or during the next upcoming SMT business meeting. Two people are required to make a nomination. No one may nominate himself or herself or make more than one nomination. To be eligible, nominees must give their permission to the SC.
The election is held within 30 days of the business meeting that marks the close of nominations, and is binding on the SC.
Elected members are elected via email by eligible voters using the Single Transferable Vote system.
Section B: Goals and Functions
The main function of the SC is to supervise the promotion and the coordination of the SMT workshop and SMT-COMP.
Each edition of the workshop is affiliated with one of the major conferences in the field. The SC chooses the conference affiliation each year.
The SC also chooses 1 or more workshop organizers from among experts in the field. While the SC may provide them with guidelines on forming a program committee, submission and acceptance policies, travel awards and the like, the organizers maintain complete independence on the organization of the workshop.
The organizers are appointed within 30 days from the end of the current edition of the SMT workshop but before the SC election. Their mandate is to organize the upcoming edition of the workshop, and their appointment ends as soon as the next set of organizers is appointed.
The organizers are responsible for forming a Program Committee, which they chair. Under their direction, the Program Committee is in charge of establishing submission, acceptance and publishing policies. It is also responsible for the planning and execution of the workshop. It can enter into contractual relations with sponsors and hosting conferences to satisfy this purpose. In particular, the organizers are responsible for managing the finances associated with the workshop organization.
It is not required that any monies be provided to the PC by the SC, or vice versa. However, any profits made by an edition of the workshop that are not made available by its organizers to the SC must be made available to future organizers. It is understood that no deficits incurred by an edition of the workshop can be passed to the SC or to future organizers.
At its discretion, the SC can use any monies that it may have at its disposal to support additional SMT-related activities, such as SMT-COMP and SMT-EXEC.
The elected members and the first ex-officio member of the SC are also in charge of appointing the organizers of SMT-COMP.
The SMT-COMP organizing committee consists of 2 or more people chosen from the field, at least 2 of which are not elected SC members at the time of their appointment.
SMT-COMP appointments are for 2 years and are staggered, with 1 or more new appointments every year. An exception is made for the first round of appointments, which must have at least 1 appointment for only 1 year to permit staggering.
There is no limit on the number of times an SMT-COMP organizer can be reappointed.
The SMT-COMP organizers are appointed within 30 days from the end of the current edition of the SMT workshop but before the SC election. They are responsible for organizing and running the competition. This includes providing or securing computational and financial resources as needed.
The competition rules are established each year by the SMT-COMP organizers. At their discretion, the organizers may seek advice from the SC while establishing the rules.
The competition is run during the same conference the SMT workshop is affiliated with. In consultation with the SMT workshop organizers, the SMT-COMP organizers arrange directly with the conference organizers the scheduling and the advertising of the competition within the conference.
It is not required that monies be provided to SMT-COMP by the SMT SC and vice versa. However, any profits made by an edition of SMT-COMP can be used only for SMT-COMP-related expenses. It is understood that no deficits incurred by an edition of SMT-COMP can be passed to the SC or future SMT-COMP organizers.
Section C: Modification of the Bylaws
The SC can amend these bylaws at any time by first proposing and motivating any amendments to the SMT community represented by the current eligible voters of the SC.
The SC designates an external person, chosen among the eligible voters, to run a referendum via email on the proposed set of amendments.
To be approved, each amendment in the referendum must receive a number of positive votes that exceeds 2/3 of all received votes. Approved amendments are binding on the SC.
Date: May 25, 2009
The members of the interim SMT Steering Committee
- Alessandro Armando
- Clark Barrett
- Alessandro Cimatti
- Byron Cook
- Leonardo de Moura
- Bruno Dutertre
- Sava Krstić
- Albert Oliveras
- Silvio Ranise
- Roberto Sebastiani
- Ofer Strichman
- Cesare Tinelli