Important Dates
- Abstract submission deadline:
Mon, May 1, 2017Mon, May 8, 2017 - Paper submission deadline:
Mon, May 8, 2017Mon, May 15, 2017 - Notification:
Mon, Jun 5, 2017Mon, Jun 12, 2017 - Camera ready versions due:
Mon, Jun 12, 2017Mon, Jun 19, 2017 - Workshop: July 22-23, 2017
Scope and Topics of Interest
Determining the satisfiability of first-order formulas modulo background theories, known as the Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) problem, has proved to be an enabling technology for verification, synthesis, test generation, compiler optimization, scheduling, and other areas. The success of SMT techniques depends on the development of both domain-specific decision procedures for each background theory (e.g., linear arithmetic, the theory of arrays, or the theory of bit-vectors) and combination methods that allow one to obtain more versatile SMT tools, usually leveraging Boolean satisfiability (SAT) solvers. These ingredients together make SMT techniques well-suited for use in larger automated reasoning and verification efforts.
Aims and Scope
The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers and users of SMT tools and techniques. Relevant topics include but are not limited to:
- Decision procedures and theories of interest
- Combinations of decision procedures
- Novel implementation techniques
- Benchmarks and evaluation methodologies
- Applications and case studies
- Theoretical results
Papers on pragmatic aspects of implementing and using SMT tools, as well as novel applications of SMT, are especially encouraged.
More information about the SMT workshop series can be found on The International Workshop on Satisfiability Modulo Theories Website.
Encouraging Student Participation through the Morgan Deters Travel Award
The Morgan Deters Travel Award was created to honor the memory of Morgan Deters, for his contributions to the theory and practice of SMT. The award is intended to enable selected students to attend the SMT workshop by partially covering their workshop-related expenses. While preference will be given to students who will play an active role in the workshop, students who do not expect to give presentations, including students who have just begun their research, or are considering the field, are encouraged to apply.
Application for the travel award
For students without a paper in the workshop, the application includes a short recommendation letter written by the student's supervisor. Applications should be submitted by July 17th.